Make certain to connect with me below on Facebook & Linkedin

Thank you for visiting my site. Since you're here hang around for a while and learn more about the services I provide. It would be an honor to assist you with your needs in the areas of Pre-Marital, Marital, Individual, Family, Group & AOD Counseling, Women's Empowerment, Professional Counselor Supervision, Educational Consulting, Court-Ordered Clinical Assessments, Community Service Endeavors, Driver Service's Information and other needed referrals.
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland to two outstanding parents (Dr. Jerusa & Gloria Wilson) who taught me to honor, respect and serve my community. After years of teaching, supervising, administrating, appearing on air, creating businesses and having a family, I have arrived at a place where I'm creating spaces and opportunities for others to heal. I believe that “Mindfulness” combined with techniques such as: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Music Expression, Art Therapy, Dance Therapy, Flexology and other treatment modalities can reduce stress, anxiety, depression and energy blockages in the clients that I serve. As a Certified Counselor Supervisor I assist the next generation of Licensed Counselors achieve success in their practices. I'm passionate about serving the community, promoting Driver Safety, ending homelessness, hunger and trafficking in our community and world.

Educational Consulting
Marital Counseling
Family Counseling
Media Services: Relationship Expert, Women's Issues
Consulting (Marketing, Educational, Non-Profit Development, etc.)
Everyone needs a listening ear and wise counsel at times. We provide that at TCC.
As Executive Dir. of a 501(c)-3 organization Dr. Lisa serves the community through organizing Adopt-A-Road clean-ups & other efforts.
Click on the link above to learn more about the services provided by Dr. Lisa.
Dr. Tait has served as Guest Host, Co-Host and Special Guest on some of Atlanta's Top Radio Stations.